Frequently Asked Questions

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Free Men Talk FAQs

Free Men Talk is a social media platform. Allowing anyone to talk and express themselves freely through photos, videos, web links, forums, groups, and a blog.

Everyone can use Free Men Talk to express their opinions on an open platform. We welcome all opinions in order to give people a place to express how they feel without any shadow banning or censorship. Allowing people to form their own beliefs with all opinions available to them.

We are secure and private with all information shared on this site. We do not share, sell, or view information that is not pertinent to the success of the site. Free Men Talk is a place to share with your friends and family.

It is easy to signup with an email, check your email for  a validation code and link to confirm your account. Now you are ready to login and join the talk.

Free Men Talk is free for all users. However, expenses and maintenance are costly. To keep Free Men Talk free for all, we accept donations. Please email us to inquire more about donations at info@freementalk.com.

We ask all members be at least 18 years of age.

Yes, Free Men Talk is a web application accessible wherever the Internet is available. Except, countries notorious for malicious cyber attacks or with strict media laws.

Yes, you can search for specific profiles and post on Free Men Talk. As well as view all information made accessible by the specific person.

Profile Questions

It is easy to signup with an email, check your email for  a validation code and link to confirm your account. Now you are ready to login and join the talk.

You can edit your profile by clicking your profile image in the top right corner and clicking settings. Or by accessing your profile page,then use the edit tab above view profile to edit your profile information.

Any further edits would need to be addressed by our developers through email by emailing info@freementalk.com.

Sending our url freementalk.com to  invite people is the quickest and easiest way to invite anyone to create a new account.

By clicking register at the top of the page, or by clicking create an account located below the login form. They will be directed to our registration form to begin the process.